Is GDPR affecting comments?

The General Data Protection Regulations came into force today … and email copies of comments made on my blog are no longer being sent to my email account.

Are the two events related? I’m not sure, and I’m looking into it. In the meantime, if regular blog readers write comments and I don’t reply within a day or two, please be patient. I’ll answer comments as soon as I can.

10 Comments on “Is GDPR affecting comments?”

  1. This may be completely irrelevant but for a little while now the email notice for your comments are always marked as SPAM from an unreliable sender. The comments themselves are not affected.

  2. TamsinP says:

    It seems that you may be correct. I haven't had email copies of the three comments today on last night's post.

    I've just taken a quick look on the Blogger help forum. It seems it may be universal – I expect one of their code monkeys ballsed up and disabled email notifications

  3. Ross Mac,

    I wonder if this is happening with regard to other blogger's blog entries I have written comments about? No one else has mentioned it … but that doesn't mean that it isn't happening,

    All the best,


  4. TamsinP,

    It is somewhat reassuring to hear that it isn't just my blog that is being effected … but annoying to find out that it is happening in the first place. Hopefully it will be sorted out sooner rather than later.

    All the best,


  5. MIN ManofTin says:

    No such situation on so it looks like a Blogger platform issue.

  6. MIN ManofTin,

    Somehow that doesn't surprise me, which is why I have a back-up version of my blog on WordPress … although I don't back it up there anywhere near often enough!

    All the best,


  7. Bob Kett says:

    Hi Bob
    I am having the same issues with my blog (Also Blogger) and I hear that others are suffering from the same problem with their blogs. I am hoping that Mr Blogger will resolve this in time.

  8. Bob Kett (Bob),

    Following TamsinP's lead, I added my complaint/question to the numerous others on the Blogger forum … but as yet none of us have had a reply. They really need to sort this out ASAP, otherwise they are going to lose users.

    All the best,


  9. Gonsalvo says:

    Yet another Blogger here with no emailing of comment notifications the past 5 days or so. Doubtless they will sort it out eventually. For now I just check recent posts for new comments.

  10. Gonsalvo,

    My apologies for not replying to your comment, but I missed it when you made it and have only just noticed that it was there.

    This is getting intolerable … and the lack of meaningful response from Blogger is simply amazing.

    All the best,


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